One of my core values is discipline and doing what I say. This for me is how I show up with integrity both for myself and the commitments I make to others. Keeping focused on what's most important helps me feel productive and be sure that whatever I've promised the people I work with, I get done. To support this value and way of working, I've created a daily practice that keeps me focused on the most important people and projects.
Each day I meditate, as close to waking and certainly before my first meeting. I get clear on what is coming up that day and how I want to show up for myself and the people I’m spending time with. I decide how I want to be, for example, is being joyful and listening to my intuition the most important way for today, or curiosity, humour?
I use mindful breathing many times in a day - particularly when I’m feeling strong emotions, maybe because I’ve just come from a fierce conversation or a situation that warrants some deep empathy - simply breath gets me grounded and clear before my next meeting or activity.
Exercise - feeling my body, connecting to my physical being and what’s going on for me. Maybe I’m relying too much on a coffee buzz and wanting an energy boost - listening to my cues and taking care throughout the day. How much water have I had? etc As well as honouring my value around fitness and health.
I also write - my daily journal and always moving a blog post or article forward. And most importantly - mindfulness, being fully present in each activity. Several years ago I broke my right foot and ‘lost’ my ability to multi-task in the healing process. It was a huge gift ultimately - choosing to only do one thing at a time. To have all of my mind and body focused on the thing I am doing or person i am talking with and nothing else. What a beautiful way to be, to honour those around me and the purpose or agenda of the company I’m working for. Weekly, I enjoy a mindful Friday night dinner with my family and turn off all technology to Saturday night and on Sunday's I reflect on my past week and prepare for my next - what worked, what didn't, what's important, what's not. etc.
Joy to you in finding a practice that works :)