Team facilitation
Faciliating a kick-off and/or check-point sessions to develop a high performance team culture and practices within the team:
- Mutual trust and mutual respect within the team
- Confirm and clarify goals (SMART) and team mission
- Develop/confirm the team’s behavioural norms/Modus Operandi e.g. accountability, meeting protocols, knowledge sharing, etc.
- Develop the competencies and practices related to Communications
- Develop a team performance dashboard that is visible and aligned with the team’s and the organization’s Goals and Mission.
Business facilitation to accelerate your growth and scale your operations:
- Create your Mission, Vision and Values statements
- Quarterly goals, plans and metrics to track progress
- Transparent performance dashboards
These serve as a touchstone for all critical decisions and hires and informs your brand
Growth Strategy and Plans
- Define major priorities and timeline for each - make all goals SMART
- Define success - leading and lagging metrics by priority
- Define how to leverage your ecosystem for marketing, business development and sales
- Marketing and Product plans - identify what your differentiates you
- Align the leadership team to maximize results and likelihood of success
Scale operations for rapid growth and sustained scale of effective decision making
- Define key business processes to cover communications, performance, planning etc eg
- Business performance review meetings - this also improves collaboration, communication and productivity
- Performance DashBoards: company, team, individual
- Individual performance management aligned to corproate goals
- Investor (stakeholder) relations including board presentations, meeting agenda and follow up
- Hiring - interview, on boarding, key HR policies that support your foundation
- All staff meetings
Organizational design
- Define organization structure and role requirements to support your growth strategy and your values.
- Answer who you can invest in to extend your runway?
- how are your key leaders performing - do you have to hire above them or can you keep growing their team)
- Define reporting lines - how will communications flows occur? how will teams collaborate? who needs to be empowered to make what kinds of decisions?
Contact me to talk about what will serve your team or organization